Julie Campbell - Allan Gray

Julie Campbell

Julie joined Allan Gray in 1992 as a performance analyst. She is currently a senior manager in the Product Development team and a director of Allan Gray Life. Previously, she led the Fund Operations team in the Institutional business. Julie holds a Bachelor of Science (Honours) degree in Mathematical Statistics from the University of Cape Town.

Articles by Julie Campbell

Insights categories - Offshore investing

How to invest offshore with Allan Gray – and allow for the transfer of wealth

By Julie Campbell on 02 May 2024

Reading time: 11 mins

Investing offshore is an important way to diversify your portfolio, spread your risk and get access to companies and industries not available locally. Julie...

Insights categories - Offshore investing

Build a legacy with the Allan Gray Offshore Endowment

By Julie Campbell and Guané Coetzer on 04 Apr 2024

Reading time: 9 mins

Investing offshore has long been a way to diversify and grow one’s wealth. This is even more relevant today, as investors seek strategies that will safeguard...

Insights categories - Offshore investing

Simplifying offshore investing

By Julie Campbell on 25 Jan 2019

Reading time: 11 mins

Over the years, South African exchange control regulations, which limit the amount that you can transfer or invest abroad, have been relaxed considerably. Th...

Insights categories - Local investing

Allan Gray Equity Fund's 20th Anniversary

By Julie Campbell on 17 Oct 2018

Reading time: 13 mins

If you had invested R1 000 in the Allan Gray Equity Fund when it was launched on 1 October 1998, it would be worth R56 572 today (at 30 September 2018). A...


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